Daily Case Trends by Local Authority

URL: https://www.opendata.nhs.scot/dataset/b318bddf-a4dc-4262-971f-0ba329e09b87/resource/427f9a25-db22-4014-a3bc-893b68243055/download/trend_ca_20231004.csv

Daily and cumulative counts and rates for positive COVID-19 cases, negative tests and deaths at Council area (local authority) level.

Please note that from 18 June, the data released includes testing results from the UK Government’s Regional Testing Centres, as well as data from NHS Laboratories, including historic test results.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description
Date numeric Date of specimens taken or patient date of death.
CA text Council Area code, based on boundaries as at 1st April 2019. Council area (Local authority) is assigned based on ECOSS postcode, if ECOSS postcode is missing we will then use the postcode on Community Health Index database, if the postcode is blank after the previous attempts, no council area is assigned.

Council area labels

CAName text Name of the Council Area (Local authority)
DailyPositive numeric Daily number of positive COVID-19 cases.
CumulativePositive numeric Cumulative number of positive COVID-19 cases.
DailyPositivePCROnly numeric Total number of positive cases reported to each date, identified by PCR test
CumulativePositivePCROnly numeric Total number of positive cases reported up to each date, identified by PCR test
DailyPositiveLFDOnly numeric Total number of positive cases reported to date, identified by LFD test since 5th January 2022
CumulativePositiveLFDOnly numeric Total number of positive cases reported up to each date, identified by LFD test since 5th January 2022
DailyPositivePCRAndLFD numeric Total number of positive cases reported each date, identified by PCR and LFD (since 5th January 2022)
CumulativePositivePCRAndLFD numeric Total number of positive cases reported up to each date, identified by PCR and LFD (since 5th January 2022)
DailyDeaths numeric Daily number of COVID-19 deaths, defined as the total number of individuals who die within 28 days of a laboratory confirmed report of COVID-19 infection and are registered with National Records for Scotland.
DailyDeathsQF text
CumulativeDeaths numeric Cumulative number of COVID-19 deaths, defined as the total number of individuals who die within 28 days of a laboratory confirmed report of COVID-19 infection and are registered with National Records for Scotland.
CumulativeDeathsQF text
CrudeRateDeaths numeric Crude rate of total COVID-19 deaths per 100 000 population.
CrudeRateDeathsQF text
PositiveTests numeric Number of positive tests performed on this date.
PositiveTestsLFDOnly numeric Total number of positive LFD tests reported on each date (since 5th January 2022)
PositivePillar1 numeric Number of positive tests carried out by NHS Labs (Pillar 1) on this date.
PositivePillar2 numeric Number of positive tests carried out by UK Gov testing programme (Pillar 2) on this date.
FirstInfections numeric
FirstInfectionsCumulative numeric
Reinfections numeric
ReinfectionsCumulative numeric
PercentReinfections numeric
PercentReinfectionsCumulative numeric
TotalTests numeric Total number of tests reported to this date
TotalPillar1 numeric Total number of tests carried out by NHS Labs (Pillar 1) reported to this date
TotalPillar2 numeric Total number of tests carried out by UK Gov testing programme (Pillar 2) reported to this date
TotalLFD text Total number of tests carried out by Lateral Flow Device reported to this date

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated October 5, 2023
Metadata last updated July 29, 2020
Created July 29, 2020
Format text/csv
License UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 3 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified6 months ago
on same domainTrue
package idb318bddf-a4dc-4262-971f-0ba329e09b87
revision id2afb3498-0203-4cc3-a514-62ac49a85e65
size5.3 MiB
url typeupload