ARCHIVED – COVID-19 Vaccination in Scotland up to September 2022

This dataset is no longer updated, find vaccination data here

From 24 March 2022, Public Health Scotland (PHS) began reporting the number of people who have received a fourth dose of Covid-19 vaccination. Vaccine uptake statistics among care home residents and those who are severely immunosuppressed will be reported initially. PHS will include further updates as the Spring/Summer vaccination programme rolls out.

In addition, as part of our continuous review of reporting, PHS made some changes to vaccine uptake statistics. From 24 March 2022, the deceased and those who no longer live in Scotland are no longer be included in vaccine uptake statistics. Historic trend data have been updated to take into account this new methodology for all apart from the Daily Trends by JCVI Priority Group table (more details about the data in this table are below). Scotland level data for all vaccinations administered (i.e. including those who have since died or moved from Scotland) are still available in the Daily Trend of All Vaccinations Delivered in Scotland table.

Also from 24 March 2022, Dose 3/Booster doses are termed “Dose 3”.

To allow new data to be fully processed and available at 14:00, the Daily COVID-19 in Scotland and COVID-19 Vaccination in Scotland datasets will be temporarily unavailable from 12:45 to 14:00. During this window, the datasets will not be visible and any queries made to these datasets will return a 404 – Not found error. At all other times the datasets will be available in full as usual.

PHS reviewed the JCVI priority group uptake figures from 18 November 2021, specifically how we derive the numerator and the denominator. The rational for the change is to ensure we report on most up to date living population for each group. For this, the list of individuals in each cohort has been refreshed to be more current. We have also removed individuals who have since died to reflect the current living population. From the 24 March 2022 those who are no longer living in Scotland have also been removed from the numerator and denominator for JCVI priority group uptake figures.

This means all the JCVI cohorts and populations have changed for both numerator and denominators on these two dates and care should be taken when interpreting trends.

On 08 December 2020, a Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine developed by Pfizer BioNTech (Comirnaty) was first used in the UK as part of national immunisation programmes. The AstraZeneca (Spikevax) vaccine was also approved for use in the national programme, and rollout of this vaccine began on 04 January 2021. Moderna (Vaxzevria) vaccine was approved for use on 8 January 2021 and rollout of this vaccine began on 07 April 2021.

These vaccines have met strict standards of safety, quality and effectiveness set out by the independent Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

Those giving the vaccine to others were the first to receive the vaccination. In the first phase of the programme, NHS Scotland followed the independent advice received from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) and prioritised delivery of the vaccine to those with the greatest clinical need, in line with the recommended order of prioritisation. For booster vaccinations a similar approach has been adopted.

Definitions used in the vaccine uptake by JCVI priority group resource can be found in the JCVI Priority Group Definitions table. Individuals can appear in more than one JCVI priority group.

This dataset provides information on daily number of COVID vaccinations in Scotland. Data on the total number of vaccinations in Scotland is presented by day administered and vaccine type, by age group, by sex, by non-age cohorts and by geographies (NHS Board and Local Authority). As the population in the cohorts can change with time, these will be refined when updated data are available.

Additional data sources relating to this topic area are provided in the Links section of the Metadata below. Data visualisation and additional notes are available on the Public Health Scotland - Covid 19 Scotland dashboard.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Vaccination Management Tool (VMT) and General Practice IT (GP IT), National Records of Scotland, Mid-Year Population Estimates 2020 National Records Scotland (NRS) deaths
Author Public Health Scotland
Version 1.0
Last Updated January 6, 2023, 11:08 (GMT)
Created January 13, 2021, 10:06 (GMT)
Contact Address Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB
Subject COVID-19, Immunisation
Frequency Daily
Time frame of data and timeliness Vaccination data reported to PHS by 07:30 (GMT), published at 14:00 (GMT) daily.
Coverage Data covering all of Scotland.
Completeness Information presented in this report reflects the data that is available to Public Health Scotland (PHS). There are known issues with the timeliness of a small amount of data; this is having a variable impact across health board areas. Work is underway in PHS and with partners to address these issues as part of continuous data quality improvement and assurance processes. Consequently, the information may be subject to change in a future publication, but is presented here as based on the best data currently available to PHS. Data presented in this dashboard represent records available at the date and time of extraction. Records without CHI will not be able to be attributed to a cohort group and will be excluded from reporting against these but will be included in overall figures.
Accuracy Information presented in this report reflects the data that is sent to Public Health Scotland (PHS). There are known issues with the timeliness of a small amount of data. Work is underway in PHS and with partners to address these issues as part of continuous data quality improvement and assurance processes. Consequently, the information may be subject to change in a future publication, but is presented here as based on the best data currently available to PHS. Figures are subject to change in a future update as this is resolved. Percent coverage figures are estimates, based on the best information we have available to us. We do not report percent coverage for where we feel that the denominator (total or base) population size cannot be accurately defined.
Continuity of data From 24/03/2022 dose 3/booster was renamed “Dose 3” in all data. Dose 4 data were also published from this date. From 24/03/2022 those who are no longer living in Scotland were removed from the numerator and denominator for JCVI priority group uptake figures. On 13/03/2022 and 16/03/2022 no data were published for JCVI priority groups due to issues with processing. On 03/12/2021 no data were published against the unpaid carers JCVI priority group due to issues with processing. On 09/12/2021 publication of 24 week data since second dose for JCVI priority groups was stopped and replaced with data reporting dose 3/booster uptake for those a minimum of 12 weeks since second dose. From 09/12/2021 booster/dose 3 data was reported within Daily Trend of Vaccinations by JCVI Priority Group on those aged 50+ who had a minimum of 12 weeks since second dose. On 02 December 2020 the UK Government announced the approval of the Pfizer/Biotech (Comirnaty) COVID-19 vaccine for use. Roll out commenced on 08 December 2020. The AstraZeneca vaccine was also approved for use in the national programme, and rollout of this vaccine began on 04 January 2021. Moderna vaccine was approved for use on 8 January 2021 and rollout of this vaccine began on 07 April 2021. On 26 February 2021, the publication of vaccination data moved from weekly to daily. Geographical breakdowns of data from GP practices that were previously not available in the weekly report are now captured within the daily publication. The vaccination uptake data for non-age based JCVI priority groups is updated on a daily basis to reflect the current population within each group. Data shown is the most up-to-date cumulative total of people vaccinated within each group. Please refer to the table in the JCVI Priority Groups Definitions ( for how these groups have been defined. Individuals who are at highest risk (Clinically Extremely Vulnerable) – previously referred to as shielding - and are residents of a care home for older adults are updated on a monthly basis. These groups will be updated on the daily dashboard and corresponding open data on the 26th of each month, or Friday before if the 26th falls on a weekend. The overall number of vaccinations and data reported by non-aged based JCVI groups remain as 16+. On Monday 14 June 2021 the 50+ age group reporting for vaccination uptake was changed to 40+. Numerator and denominator data were also changed to reflect this. On 09/08/2021 and additional cohort was added to the data of all individuals aged 12 to 15 who have been identified by the JCVI as having conditions that put them at higher risk from coronavirus (COVID-19). This includes children and young people with severe neuro-disabilities, Down's syndrome, underlying conditions resulting in immunosuppression or a diagnosis of learning/intellectual disability. From Thursday 19th August data for age specific cohorts were based on age calculated as at 31st August 2021. Previously these were based on age calculated as at 31st March 2021. Data were also included for the 16/17 year old cohort as a specific age group, affecting the HB, LA and Scotland files, on this date. On the 26th August a correction was made to the figures for ’18 and over’ for both sex = ‘Male’ and sex = ’Female’, affecting the health board and council area files. Previously the numerator for these counted all vaccinations as opposed to just those for individuals aged 18 and over. Other age groups and Sex = ‘Total’ are not affected. From Thursday 9th September vaccination data were also presented for the 16+ population for Scotland, NHS Board and Local Authority. From 28th September vaccination uptake data were included for all 12 to 15 year olds. From Thursday 7th October 3rd primary dose data were published for those identified as being severely immunosuppressed. From Thursday 14th October booster dose data were published for the 16+ and 18+ population at Scotland level. On 4 November 2021 the numerator for booster and 3rd dose vaccinations were combined to produce a single output metric. Booster/3rd dose data were also published by NHS Board, Local Authority and age group. The age group 16+ was replaced with 12+, and 40+ with 50+. This reflects the current scope of the vaccination programme. From 18 November dose3/booster uptake figures were published by JCVI priority group. The cohorts used for the calculation of uptake figures for the JCVI priority groups for all doses were also refreshed on this date. Care should be taken when analysing trend data for JCVI priority groups pre and post 18 November. On 22/11/2021 and 23/11/2021 vaccination events against the unpaid carers aged 16 and over cohort were under-reported.  This will affect the continuity of the data for this cohort.
Concepts and definitions On 02 December 2020 the UK Government announced the approval of the Pfizer/Biotech (Comirnaty) COVID-19 vaccine for use. Roll out commenced on 08 December 2020. The AstraZeneca (Vaxzevria) vaccine was also approved for use in the national programme, and rollout of this vaccine began on 04 January 2021. Moderna (Spikevax) vaccine was approved for use on 8 January 2021 and rollout of this vaccine began on 07 April 2021. Further information on the vaccination programme can be found via the links below.
Disclosure The PHS protocol on Statistical Disclosure Control is followed.
Revision statement Data is subject to change upon validation. Figures are provisional and are subject to change as records are updated in the Vaccine Management Tool (VMT). From Thursday 24th March 2022 data for age specific cohorts were based on age calculated as the current date. Previously these were based on age calculated as at 31st August 2021. Individuals who had died or moved from Scotland since vaccination were also removed from all data apart from "Daily Trend of All Vaccinations Administered in Scotland" on this date.
Official statistics designation Management Information Statistics
Format csv
Language English

PHS Weekly COVID-19 Report

COVID-19 Wider Impact Dashboard

Scottish Government - information and guidance on the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme

NHS Inform - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation: advice on priority groups for COVID-19 vaccination