49 datasets found

Licenses: UK Open Government Licence (OGL) Tags: health board Formats: CSV Themes: Health and care

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  • Prescriptions in the Community

    Please note that we are investigating an issue regarding the mapping of the final digit of the DMDCode object for some files, which means that some codes do not link to any...
  • Population Estimates

    Population estimates for all geography types in Scotland: Data Zone (2011) from 2011 to 2022 Intermediate Zone (2011) from 2011 to 2022 Council Area (2019) from 1982 to 2023...
  • Population Projections

    Population projections for Scotland on a country, NHS health board, health and social care partnership and council area level by sex and single year of age. More information and...
  • NHS Scotland Accident & Emergency Sites

    This reference dataset provides a listing of all NHS Emergency Departments, Minor Injury Units and other GP or nurse led departments that carry out Emergency Department related...
  • Delayed Discharges in NHSScotland

    These data provide monthly information on the number of hospital bed days occupied by people delayed in their discharge and the number of people experiencing a delay in...
  • Cancelled Planned Operations

    The data presented includes number of planned operations, number of cancelled operations, and the reason for cancellation by NHS Board and Hospital.
  • NHS Smoking Cessation Service Statistics (Scotland)

    This release presents data on quit attempts made with the help of NHS Stop Smoking Services during the financial years, 2013/14 – 2023/24, and the outcomes of those quit...
  • Scottish Stroke Statistics

    Summary of discharges from hospital and deaths in Scotland resulting from a cerebrovascular disease (including stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhage). All publications and...
  • Scottish Morbidity Record Completeness

    Estimates of completeness of outpatient, acute, maternity, mental health and geriatric long stay SMR records received from boards and Health Care providers in recent years.
  • GP Practice Population Demographics

    This dataset contains information on list sizes for all GP practices in Scotland by age and sex. All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on the...
  • GP Practice Contact Details and List Sizes

    This dataset contains information on contact details and list sizes for all GP practices in Scotland. All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on...
  • General Practitioner Contact Details

    This dataset contains a lookup file of contact details for General Practitioners (GPs) and the practice they are registered at. The information includes General Medical Council...
  • Hospital Codes

    This dataset contains a list of all NHS hospitals across Scotland and associated geographic information. It should be noted that this list contains all hospitals in Scotland,...
  • Cancer Waiting Times

    Cancer Waiting Times statistics for the 62-day standard for patients urgently referred with a suspicion of cancer to first cancer treatment and for the 31-day standard for...
  • Births in Scotland

    Annual update to information on births in Scotland. This includes information on the mother, the delivery and the baby, available at various geographies including NHS Board,...
  • Primary 1 Body Mass Index (BMI) Statistics

    Primary 1 Body Mass Index (BMI) statistics capture important information of the growth of young children. Data are presented by: NHS health board, council area, deprivation and...
  • Dispenser Location Contact Details

    This dataset contains the location and contact details for all dispensers across Scotland. All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on the ISD...
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Waiting Times

    The main function of CAMHS is to develop and deliver services for those children and young people (and their parents/carers) who are experiencing the most serious mental health...
  • Beds Information in Scotland

    To provide an effective, safe and efficient service to patients, hospitals must balance the provision of staffed beds against anticipated demand. Historically, the total number...
  • Outpatient Activity

    Patients who require the medical opinion of a specialist clinician may be referred to an outpatient clinic for treatment or investigation. An outpatient is a patient who attends...
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