Annual Cancer Incidence

Annual data of new cancer incidence cases in Scotland. Data is presented by Cancer Network Region and Health Board, within Scotland and Network levels of reporting, the incidence figures are further broken down by age group and sex.

The cancer sites reported on include: bladder, bone and connective tissue, brain and central nervous system, breast colorectal, female genital organs, head and neck, hodgkin lymphoma, kidney, leukaemias, liver, lung and mesothelioma, male genital organs, multiple myeloma, non-hodgkin lymphoma, oesophageal, pancreatic, skin, stomach.

Further information on cancer incidence can be found in the annual publication.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Source Scottish Cancer Registry (SMR06)
Author PHS Cancer Statistics Team
Last Updated November 26, 2024, 11:15 (GMT)
Created February 6, 2019, 14:38 (GMT)
Contact Address Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB
Subject Conditions and Diseases
Frequency Annual
Time frame of data and timeliness No delays between data availability and processing of data for publication.
Coverage Covers all registered cancer incidence in Scotland since 1998.
Completeness At time of extraction, data for the most recent year are estimated to be at least 98% complete. See Revisions statement. Routine indicators of data quality are compared to the rest of the UK and to other countries, and are available on the UKIACR website ( There have been adhoc studies of data completeness in the past. See the Cancer Information FAQs.
Accuracy Registry data are subject to validation at data entry and quality assurance procedures. Reported data are compared to previous years' figures and to expected trends.
Continuity of data Reports include data from 1998 to 2022. Coding of cancer registrations moved from ICD-9 to ICD-10, from ICD-O to ICD-O2 in incidence year 1997 and ICD-O3 in incidence year 2006. ICD codes have been backmapped to 1989 for continuity of reporting. The range of statistics provided does mean that the continuity will vary, and while considered to be very high, any notable discontinuities will be highlighted within the published data.
Concepts and definitions See the Cancer Information FAQs in the 'Links' section.
Disclosure The PHS protocol on Statistical Disclosure Protocol is followed.
Revision statement As with other population-based cancer registries, the Scottish Cancer Registry is dynamic, with ongoing updating of records. Each year's release includes a refresh of the previous years, and as new registrations from previous years come to light, or changes in the coding are taken into account, the numbers may change. The timing of the release is intended to balance the likelihood of significant revision with timeliness of data.
Official statistics designation National Statistics
Relevance and key uses of the statistics The number and type of cancer registrations allow planning for provision of cancer treatment services and palliative care planning. Permits indirect measure of success of public health measures and interventions over the longer term. Key uses include: public health surveillance; health needs assessment, planning and commissioning of cancer services; evaluation of the impact of interventions on incidence and survival; clinical audit and health services research; epidemiological studies; and providing information to support genetic counselling and health promotion.
Format CSV
Language English

Cancer Information FAQs;

Cancer Incidence in England;

Cancer Incidence in Wales;

Cancer Incidence in Northern Ireland;