Urban Rural Classification
The Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification provides a consistent way of defining urban and rural areas across Scotland. The classification is based upon two main... -
NHS Scotland Accident & Emergency Sites
This reference dataset provides a listing of all NHS Emergency Departments, Minor Injury Units and other GP or nurse led departments that carry out Emergency Department related... -
GP Practice Contact Details and List Sizes
This dataset contains information on contact details and list sizes for all GP practices in Scotland. All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on... -
General Practitioner Contact Details
This dataset contains a lookup file of contact details for General Practitioners (GPs) and the practice they are registered at. The information includes General Medical Council... -
Specialty Codes
This is a reference file for health specialties used in NHS Scotland. The data contains codes and labels. -
Hospital Codes
This dataset contains a list of all NHS hospitals across Scotland and associated geographic information. It should be noted that this list contains all hospitals in Scotland,... -
Geography Codes and Labels
UPDATE 04/08/2022: There will be major changes to this dataset soon. If you have any concerns contact the Open Data team at phs.opendata@phs.scot 9 digit standard geography... -
Statistical Qualifiers
This is a look up file for statistical qualifiers used across all datasets to define blank data cells, such suppressed or missing values. This reference file has been created in...