GP Practice Contact Details and List Sizes

This dataset contains information on contact details and list sizes for all GP practices in Scotland.

All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on the Public Health Scotland website.

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Felt Værdi
Kilde National Primary Care Clinicians Database (NPCCD), CHI database
Forfatter PHS Primary Care Team
Last Updated Juli 16, 2024, 16:07 (BST)
Oprettet Februar 13, 2018, 11:19 (GMT)
Contact Address Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Subject GP Workforce
Frequency Quarterly
Time frame of data and timeliness The data are based on a snapshot of the National Primary Care Clinicians Database (NPCCD) and the CHI database.
Coverage All GP practices in Scotland.
Completeness Only open practices with at least one registered patient are included. Dummy practices, admin practices and certain other types of GP practices (prison, MOD) are excluded.
Accuracy Some practice and patient changes which occur close to the extract date may not be reflected in the data, as it can take a several days for the databases to be updated with these changes.
Continuity of data The data are based on long established datasets, and definitions of data items are unlikely to change. Any changes are noted in the revision statement.
Concepts and definitions A GP list size is a count of all regular patients currently registered with the practice. Temporary registrations are not included.
Disclosure The PHS Disclosure Control Protocol is followed.
Revision statement From July 2019 a new field has been added to the file to state the GP cluster the practice is in. There is no routine requirement to revise historical data. As of January 2024 information used to idenitify dispensing practices is no longer recorded in the CHI database.
Official statistics designation Quarterly reports have not been assessed for statistical designation. These reports follow the same methodology as the annual reports which are classed as National Statistics.
Relevance and key uses of the statistics The majority of interactions patients make with the health service are made through GP practices. GP practice contact details and list sizes are widely used by health boards, the Scottish Government, researchers and other organisations.
Format CSV
Sprog English

Information on GPs in post and their contact details, NHS Scotland; Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice, NHS England; GP Practice List Sizes, NHS Northern Ireland