COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Gestation at Delivery
Data og ressourcer
Gestation Data by Health BoardCSV
Information on gestation at delivery for births in Scotland, broken down by...
Gestation Data by AgeCSV
Information on gestation at delivery for births in Scotland, broken down by...
Gestation Data by DeprivationCSV
Information on gestation at delivery for births in Scotland, broken down by...
Yderligere info
Felt | Værdi |
Kilde | The data used for the gestation at delivery page comes from the Scottish Morbidity Record 02 (SMR02) database. An SMR02 record is submitted by maternity hospitals to Public Health Scotland (PHS) whenever a woman is discharged from an episode of day case or inpatient maternity care. From October 2019, maternity hospitals have also been asked to submit SMR02 records following attended homebirths. |
Forfatter | PHS Maternity Team |
Version | 1.0 |
Last Updated | Oktober 5, 2023, 09:52 (BST) |
Oprettet | Marts 16, 2021, 15:34 (GMT) |
Contact Address | Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB |
Subject | COVID-19 Impact, Maternity & Births |
Frequency | Monthly |
Time frame of data and timeliness | Data is shown for up to and including the most recent month for which SMR02 records are considered near complete. Data for the most recent months should be viewed as provisional. |
Coverage | Data is shown at all Scotland level, and for women living in each mainland NHS Board area. |
Completeness | Considered complete. There is generally a shortfall in the number of births when compared to NRS birth registrations. |
Accuracy | SMR02 data are subjected to validation on submission. The figures are compared to previous figures and expected trends. |
Continuity of data | Reports data from January 2018. |
Concepts and definitions | Please see description above. Additional information and commentary are available on the Wider Impacts Dashboard (see Links section). |
Disclosure | Disclosure control methods have been applied to the data in order to protect patient confidentiality. |
Revision statement | Figures contained within each publication may be subject to change in future releases as submissions may be updated to reflect a more accurate and complete set of data. |
Official statistics designation | Management Information Statistics |
Relevance and key uses of the statistics | The data are used to describe the current impact and the severity of COVID-19 in Scotland. |
Format | csv |
Sprog | English |
Links |
COVID-19 Wider Impact Dashboard Births in Scottish Hospitals report |