Drug Misuse in Pregnancy by Council Areas

URL: https://www.opendata.nhs.scot/dataset/df10dbd4-81b3-4bfa-83ac-b14a5ec62296/resource/3e96277a-9029-4390-ab90-ec600f9926a5/download/11.6_ca_drugmisuse.csv

The number of maternities where drug misuse in pregnancy has been recorded. Data is presented by council areas.

Although drug misuse recording is mandatory, it is possible to record ‘Unknown’ as a valid response. It is recorded if drug misuse occurred at any time during the current pregnancy.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
FinancialYears text Data is recorded for financial years (1st April to 31st March) based on the date of the mother's discharge
CA text 9-digit code for Council areas based on boundaries as at 1st April 2019

Council Area labels

DrugMisuse text The number of maternities with drug misuse recorded
DrugMisuseQF text Qualifier for DrugMisuse indicating suppressed values

Qualifier information

Maternities numeric Number of maternities as recorded on the Scottish Morbidity Register 02 (SMR02)

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Data last updated 28 November 2023
Metadata last updated 12 Oktober 2018
Oprettet 12 Oktober 2018
Format text/csv
Licens UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 5 år siden
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified4 måneder siden
on same domainTrue
package iddf10dbd4-81b3-4bfa-83ac-b14a5ec62296
revision id3554c95c-a8da-4f3c-991f-3053c76aed0e
size12,4 Kb
url typeupload