Review by Looked after Children


Data on the 27-30 month review by looked after children (LAC) presented at Scotland level. Looked after children are those under the care of their Local Authority due to care, protection, and/or (for older children) offending needs. Looked after children may live at home with their parents under social work supervision, with other family members or friends, with foster carers or prospective adopters, or in residential units. Publication Date 15 September 2020

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
Country text 9 digit Geography code for Scotland

Country labels

Lac text
FinancialYear text Data is recorded for financial years (1st April to 31st March)
NumberOfEligibleChildren numeric Number of children turning 27 months in the financial year according to the May census from Scottish Immunisation & Recall System (SIRS). SIRS covers the entire child population in Scotland up to six years of age.
NumberOfReviews numeric Number of recorded reviews while child is 2 AND in the cohort.
ConcernAny numeric Number of reviews with a concern in one or more domains
NoConcernsNotAllValid numeric Number of reviews resulting in no concerns but some domains incomplete
NoConcerns numeric Number of reviews resulting in no concerns raised
AllValid numeric Number of reviews with a valid response in every domain

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Data last updated 25 April 2023
Metadata last updated 24 April 2018
Oprettet 24 April 2018
Format text/csv
Licens UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 5 år siden
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified11 måneder siden
on same domainTrue
package idf4ee46d4-cda9-4180-b6be-0f0e45ee3c8c
revision idf3747689-09a1-4766-a242-f62b65bbbadc
size1,9 Kb
url typeupload