Early Child Development - 27-30 Month Review Statistics

The 27-30 month review is an assessment generally carried out by a health visitor. This review started in April 2013 and is offered to all children. A wide range of information is collected including developmental domains such as speech, language and communication, hearing, vision, personal/social, behavioural/emotional, fine motor and gross motor.

A full publication report and technical report are available. All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on the ISD Scotland - Child Health Website.

Data og ressourcer

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Felt Værdi
Kilde Child Health Systems Programme Pre-School (CHSP PreSchool), Scottish Immunisation and Recall System (SIRS)
Forfatter Child Health Team
Version 1.0
Last Updated Maj 2, 2024, 11:05 (BST)
Oprettet April 23, 2018, 15:38 (BST)
Contact Address Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB
Subject Child Health
Frequency Annual
Time frame of data and timeliness Children eligible for the 27-30 month review in financial years 2013/14-2016/17. No delays between receipt and processing of data for publication.
Coverage Offered to all children registered in Scotland on the SIRS module of CHSP PreSchool.
Completeness A change to the data set captured was made from 01/04/2017 which has been partially adjusted for continuity. See the technical document for more details (https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/6579/2021-04-27-early-child-development-technical-report.pdf).
Accuracy This is an established data collection which covers a large proportion of the target population, typically 87-90% of each cohort. Within individual reviews in the past, about 87-88% had complete information on all domains. (https://beta.isdscotland.org/media/5604/2020-09-15-early-child-development-technical-report.pdf)
Continuity of data All fourteen Health Boards provided data for reviews since 01/04/2013.
Concepts and definitions https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/6579/2021-04-27-early-child-development-technical-report.pdf
Disclosure The PHS protocol on Statistical Disclosure Control is followed.
Revision statement There was a review of the data captured from 01/04/2017. See the technical report for more details. (https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/6579/2021-04-27-early-child-development-technical-report.pdf)
Official statistics designation Official Statistics
Relevance and key uses of the statistics Monitoring the delivery of the 27-30 month review, the developmental status of the children and making information publicly available for planning, provision of services and providing comparative information.
Format CSV
Sprog English

Information on the provision of child health reviews recommended as part of the English Healthy Child Programme, including the 2-2½ year review, is provided by both NHS Digital and Public Health England.