4 datasets found

Licenses: UK Open Government Licence (OGL) Formats: CSV Tags: hospital activity

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  • Scottish Stroke Statistics

    Summary of discharges from hospital and deaths in Scotland resulting from a cerebrovascular disease (including stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhage). All publications and...
  • Annual Inpatient and Daycase Activity

    Inpatients refer to people who are admitted to an available staffed bed in a hospital (either electively or as an emergency) and either: remain overnight whatever the original...
  • Annual Outpatient Activity

    Patients who require the medical opinion of a specialist clinician may be referred to an outpatient clinic for treatment or investigation. An outpatient is a patient who attends...
  • COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Emergency Department Activity

    Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new strain of coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China. Clinical presentation may range from mild-to-moderate illness to pneumonia or...
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