Scottish Stroke Statistics
Summary of discharges from hospital and deaths in Scotland resulting from a cerebrovascular disease (including stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhage). All publications and... -
Inpatient and Day Case Activity
A patient is termed an inpatient when they occupy a staffed bed in a hospital and either remain overnight (whether intended or not) or are expected to remain overnight but are... -
Annual Inpatient and Daycase Activity
Inpatients refer to people who are admitted to an available staffed bed in a hospital (either electively or as an emergency) and either: remain overnight whatever the original... -
Drug-Related Hospital Statistics Scotland
Drug-related hospital statistics (DRHS) provide an annual update to figures on the drug-related inpatient and day case activity taking place within general acute hospitals in... -
Scottish Heart Disease Statistics
Summary of discharges from hospital and deaths in Scotland resulting from a heart condition (including coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure and angina). All... -
Alcohol Related Hospital Statistics Scotland
Alcohol-related hospital statistics (ARHS) provide an annual update to figures on the alcohol-related inpatient and day case activity taking place within general acute hospitals...