Scottish Heart Disease Statistics

Summary of discharges from hospital and deaths in Scotland resulting from a heart condition (including coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure and angina).

All publications and supporting material to this topic area can be found on the PHS Heart Disease Website. Further information on heart disease can be found in the recent annual publication. The date of the next release can be found on our list of forthcoming publications.

Data og ressourcer

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Felt Værdi
Kilde SMR01, Deaths
Forfatter Heart Disease and Stroke Team
Version 1.0
Last Updated Januar 23, 2024, 09:31 (GMT)
Oprettet April 2, 2020, 10:40 (BST)
Contact Address Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh EH12 9EB
Subject Conditions and Diseases
Frequency Annual
Time frame of data and timeliness Data ranges from 2010-2019 (mortality) and 2010/11-2019/20 (activity).
Coverage Covers all NHS Boards in Scotland.
Completeness Levels of SMR01 submission are deemed to be 98% complete compared to expected levels of submission at time of extraction. Mortality: Death registrations are deemed to be complete and finalised.
Accuracy Hospital Activity: SMR01 data are subjected to validation on submission. The figures are compared to previous years’ figures and to expected trends. The SMR01 data are also assessed for accuracy by PHS’s Data Quality Assurance team – see Appendix A1 (Link 1). Mortality: For coding of deaths see the website of the National Records of Scotland (Link 2). Reported data are compared to previous years' figures and to expected trends.
Continuity of data Hospital admissions: The introduction of more sensitive tests for the diagnosis of acute coronary ischaemia - e.g. troponin - and the incorporation of troponin (and other biomarker) levels in definitions of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), may have affected the recording of AMI over recent years. Variations in the definition, recording and coding of AMI may affect interhospital and inter-Health Board comparisons of AMI incidence, prevalence and post-AMI survival. ISD issued coding guidance in June 2007 covering the recording of troponin levels in acute coronary syndromes - see Coding Guidelines Number 20 (Link 3). Mortality data: Reports data since 2007. There was a change to the coding of causes of death by National Records of Scotland between 2010 and 2011. The overall scale of change was small. For full details, please consult the NRS website (Link 2).
Concepts and definitions See Appendix A1 - Background Information in the Scottish Heart Disease Statistics Publication (Link 1).
Disclosure The PHS protocol on Statistical Disclosure Protocol (Link 4) is followed.
Revision statement The publication contains planned revisions. Historical mortality figures at health board level have been updated. The changes are minor and relate to a small number of death registrations that had not previously been assigned to a health board. Figures at Scotland and council area level are unaffected.
Official statistics designation National Statistics
Relevance and key uses of the statistics Uses of the data include: To allow NHS Boards and the Scottish Government to compare activity levels nationally; To provide health intelligence and performance information for NHS Boards and the Scottish Government; To provide information to support answers to Parliamentary Questions; and many more. Please see Appendix A2 in the publication for further uses (Link 1).
Format csv
Sprog English

1)Scottish Heart Disease Statistics Publication

2) NRS website

3) ISD Coding Guidelines

4) PHS Disclosure Protocol

5) Heart Disease Topic web page

6) England - Hospital Episode Statistics

7) Wales - Stroke Statistics

8) Northern Ireland - Health Statistics