Clinical BMI by Deprivation at Health Board Level


Data on the clinical BMI categories in Primary 1 by deprivation at health board level. Publication

Clinical thresholds are used to define children with a level of under- or overweight that may warrant clinical intervention, such as consideration of any underlying cause, advice on healthy eating and appropriate levels of physical activity, or referral to more intensive child healthy weight services.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
SchoolYear text The school year
HBR text 9-digit code for health board of residence based on boundaries as at 1st April 2019

Health board labels

SIMD text Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) quintile; 1(Most Deprived) - 5(Least Deprived)

SIMD open data

SIMDQF text Qualifier for SIMD

Qualifier information

SIMDVersion text Most appropriate SIMD release used for each year
ValidReviews numeric Number of valid reviews
ClinUnderweight numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as underweight
ClinHealthyWeight numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as healthy weight
ClinOverweight numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as overweight
ClinObese numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as obese
ClinSeverelyObese numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as severely obese
ClinOverweightObeseAndSeverelyObese numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as overweight, obese and severely obese
ClinObeseAndSeverelyObese numeric Percentage of children with a BMI clinically classed as obese and severely obese

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Data last updated 13 December 2023
Metadata last updated 7 December 2018
Oprettet 7 December 2018
Format text/csv
Licens UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 5 år siden
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified4 måneder siden
on same domainTrue
package id01fe4008-23f8-4b34-b8f6-c38699a2f00d
revision id316914e7-2295-4fb4-9229-0f9fea21dfe3
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url typeupload