Activity by Health Board


Information on patients with learning disabilities who have been cared for as inpatients or day cases in psychiatric hospitals and certain care homes contracted by NHS Boards within Scotland, by health board of treatment.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
Dataset text The data source that is reported from. SMR04 covers psychiatric inpatient records.
TimeRange text Denotes the financial years covered by this dataset. Financial years start on 1 April and end on 31 March. This file shows data for the six-year period from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2022.
HBT text 9-digit code for health board of treatment based on boundaries as at 1st April 2019. Dumfries & Galloway record a large proportion of the discharges at Acorn House which is a facility that offers short-stay respite breaks for children & young people with learning disabilities. While this service is offered across Scotland, Dumfries & Galloway are the only NHS Board that record this activity on SMR04. All Orkney and Shetland psychiatric patients are treated by a mainland board as they have no psychiatric hospitals within their board area. Western Isles are also absent from this analysis, as the Western Isles Hospital, based in Stornoway, does not have specialist Learning Disability inpatient facilities.

[Health board codes] (

DischargesCount numeric The total number of discharges. A hospital discharge marks the end of an episode of care. Discharges include deaths, transfers to other specialties, significant facilities and hospitals, and discharges home or to other regular place of residence.
DischargesCountQF text A qualifier to give extra information about the discharge count.

Qualifier information

CISCount numeric The total number of continuous inpatient stays. A continuous inpatient stay is an unbroken period of time that a patient spends as an inpatient. However, a patient may change consultant, significant facility, specialty, and/or hospital during a continuous inpatient stay. As a result, information used to assign a stay to the Learning Disability specialty has to be taken from a single episode within the stay. In this report, the specialty and the health board of treatment are taken from the last episode in the stay, and then the total length of stay is calculated by summing the lengths of all the episodes composing the stay, irrespective of whether the previous episodes in the stay also occurred in the Learning Disability specialty. Finally, in this report, stays are assigned to financial years based on the date of discharge of the last episode in the stay.
CISCountQF text A qualifier to give extra information about the count of continuous inpatient stays.

Qualifier information

MeanLengthOfStay numeric The average (mean) length of a continuous inpatient stay in hospital. For further details on the methodology, please see entry for CISCount.
MeanLengthOfStayQF text A qualifier to give extra information about the mean length of continuous inpatient stays.

Qualifier information

PatientsCount numeric The total number of patients. Regardless of how many times they have been discharged during each 6-year period under consideration here, patients are counted only once at the Scotland level. However, if they have been treated in multiple Health Boards, then they will be counted more than once. As such, the individual Health Board numbers do not sum up to the Scotland total.
PatientsCountQF text A qualifier to give extra information about the patient count.

Qualifier information

DischargesPercent numeric The percentage of discharges over the period for the associated health board against the Scotland total.
DischargesPercentQF text A qualifier to give extra information about the discharge percentage.

Qualifier information

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Felt Værdi
Data last updated 30 Januar 2024
Metadata last updated 12 Februar 2020
Oprettet 12 Februar 2020
Format text/csv
Licens UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 4 år siden
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified3 måneder siden
on same domainTrue
package ida2b1a9d1-6e75-48b4-b4eb-038519870f53
revision idf8ae0132-6b49-4c40-ba52-bd929287920b
size1 Kb
url typeupload