Cancer Waiting Times

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Cancer Waiting Times statistics for the 62 day standard for patients urgently referred with a suspicion of cancer to first cancer treatment and for the 31 day standard for patients regardless of the route of referral from date decision to treat to first cancer treatment. Includes data presented by NHS Board and Cancer Type.

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Felt Værdi
Kilde Cancer Waiting Times database
Forfatter Cancer Waiting Times Team
Last Updated Marts 26, 2024, 10:04 (GMT)
Oprettet Juli 6, 2018, 16:12 (BST)
Contact Address Cancer Team, Public Health Scotland, Gyle Square, 1 South Gyle Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9EB
Subject Waiting Times
Frequency Quarterly
Time frame of data and timeliness Quarterly data is published 3 months in arrears. Current data for Q1 2012 - Q4 2023.
Coverage NHS Health Boards in Scotland
Completeness Patients will only be included in the database if they have a valid CHI number. A patient will be excluded from reporting against the Cancer Waiting Times standards for the following reasons: (1) The patient chooses to have any part of their pathway out with NHSScotland. If this is before the decision to treat, they will be excluded from the 62 day standard; if after the decision to treat, they will be excluded from both standards. (2) The patient died before treatment. (3) The patient refused all treatment. (4) The patient was deemed a clinically complex case by the lead cancer clinician of the responsible NHS Board
Accuracy The quality of these statistics is considered fit for release. Fitness for publication exercises have been carried out by ISD for the 62 day performance and have shown that completeness of the 62 day cohort is within an acceptable range and is fit for publication. Details of all Fit For Purpose exercises can be found on ISD website: Case ascertainment is assessed each quarter for the 31 day standard. ISD regularly carries out data quality exercises to ensure that data is recorded in an accurate and consistent manner across NHSScotland. Information on these exercises can be found on the Data Quality section of the website. In early 2012, ISD Cancer Waiting Times undertook a data quality project to assure that data submitted for Bowel Screening patients is recorded accurately and consistently. A paper highlighting the outcome of this project can be found on the ISD website. Responsibility for collating and submitting the data to ISD lies with the NHS Board that received the patient's initial referral to secondary care. The Data Quality Assurance team within ISD carry out data quality exercises on cancer waiting times data. A report of the results from the latest exercise can be found on the ISD website.
Continuity of data To remain relevant to the changing set of targets (as published in Better Cancer Care - An Action Plan), the cancer waiting times statistics published previously by ISD were replaced with a new series of figures. The first set of these new figures relating to these targets were first published in June 2010. Performance against these targets was achieved by March 2011; the timescale agreed by the Scottish Government. These targets are considered as National Standards from 1st April 2012 and continue to be published on a quarterly basis.When making comparisons across Scotland, it should be noted that some areas reported on contain small numbers. For example, in Island NHS Boards there may be a substantial quarter-on-quarter fluctuation in the percentage of patients that started treatment within 62/31 days, which may represent the pathway of only one or two patients.
Concepts and definitions Performance against the targets set out in Better Cancer Care – An Action Plan was achieved by March 2011; the timescale agreed by the Scottish Government. These targets are considered as National Standards from 1st April 2012 and continue to be published on a quarterly basis. The cancer waiting times standards are applicable to adult (over 16 at date of diagnosis) NHSScotland patients with a newly diagnosed primary cancer. To be included, the cancer type must fit into one of the listed cancer types in the Cancer Waiting Times Data and Definitions Manual. This manual, and further information, is available within the Guidance section of the website.
Disclosure The PHS protocol on Statistical Disclosure Protocol is followed.
Revision statement Figures contained within each publication may also be subject to change in future publications. The latest five(5) quarters are subject to revision due to potential re-submission on each quarterly data extract, this is marked by qualifiers in the file. See PHS Statistical Revisions Policy
Official statistics designation National Statistics
Relevance and key uses of the statistics The CWT team, within PHS, works in partnership with the SG Cancer Performance Support Team and NHS Boards to measure NHSScotland’s performance against current Cancer Waiting Times Standards. Other uses of the data include: support of NHS Boards, researchers, charities, media, and public, and Information requests and Parliamentary Questions.
Format csv
Sprog English

PHS Statistical Revisions Policy

Inclusion criteria, start/stop dates and cancer types included for making comparisons with England

Inclusion criteria, start/stop dates and cancer types included for making comparisons with Northern Ireland

Inclusion criteria, start/stop dates and cancer types included for making comparisons with Wales

UK Comparative Technical Differences for Waiting Times

Background Information

Data Quality information

Government published Better Cancer Care, An Action Plan

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