7 datasets found

Groups: Maternity and Births Tags: maternity pregnancy

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  • Births in Scotland

    Annual update to information on births in Scotland. This includes information on the mother, the delivery and the baby, available at various geographies including NHS Board,...
  • Teenage Pregnancy

    These data provide an annual update on teenage pregnancy statistics in Scotland which are presented by age of conception and year of conception. All supporting material and...
  • COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Method of Delivery

    Care for women around the time they are giving birth is an essential, time critical service that cannot be deferred. As such, it has been provided throughout the COVID-19...
  • COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Induction of Labour

    Care for women around the time they are giving birth is an essential, time critical service that cannot be deferred. As such, it has been provided throughout the COVID-19...
  • COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Gestation at Delivery

    Care for women and babies around the time they are giving birth/being born is an essential, time critical service that cannot be deferred. As such, it has been provided...
  • COVID-19 Wider Impacts - Antenatal Bookings

    As an essential service, maternity care including ‘booking’ has been provided throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and women have been encouraged to attend all their scheduled...
  • COVID-19 Infections in Pregnancy in Scotland

    Confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been identified by a positive SARS-CoV-2 viral PCR test result. For any individual, the specimen date of their first positive viral PCR...
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