Mortality rates by place of death


Crude mortality rates by place of death.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
TimePeriod text Time period mortality rates pertain to.
Country text 9 digit country code for Scotland

Country labels

PlaceOfDeath text Place of death, either died in hospital or died in the community.
NumberOfDeaths numeric Number of deaths during the time period for the given subgroup.
NumberOfDeathsQF text Qualifier for NumberOfDeaths

Qualifier information

TotalNumberOfDeaths numeric Total number of deaths during the time period.
TotalNumberOfDeathsQF text Qualifier for TotalNumberOfDeaths

Qualifier information

CrudeRate numeric Deaths in the given subgroup as a proportion of all deaths (%), derived from the number of deaths in the given subgroup (numerator), and total deaths in the time period (denominator), both available from the National Records of Scotland at Scotland level.

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Data last updated 14 Maj 2024
Metadata last updated 9 November 2021
Oprettet 9 November 2021
Format text/csv
Licens UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdover 2 år siden
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modified15 minutter siden
on same domainTrue
package idc88a5231-f7e7-418d-811e-8fc2bec79787
revision idac4c69b5-1dbf-4469-861d-2c041526e08d
size3,9 Kb
url typeupload