Unavailability – New Outpatients

URL: https://www.opendata.nhs.scot/dataset/e9dbef36-a343-4b9a-ab7e-b6e6cbcbb38e/resource/7c648cd6-0742-44ed-a8b3-efea3cfc3614/download/sot_unavailability_newop_dec23.csv

Information on unavailability for treatment of New Outpatients, presented at health board level and broken down by specialty.

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Beskrivelse
QuarterEnding numeric Last day of quarter that the data reports on (YYYYMMDD)
HBT text Health board of treatment based on the boundaries as at 1st April 2019

Health board labels

HBTQF text Qualifier for HBT

Qualifier information

PatientType text Patient Type i.e. New Outpatient, inpatient, day case etc.
Specialty text Specialty of the healthcare professional who is in charge of the patient episode. Specialties with a low volume of patients at Scotland level have been excluded from the specialty breakdown therefore the specialty breakdown will not match the total presented under 'All Specialties'. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde code patients under more than one specialty with code 'XSU', as this is not on the list of ISD Specialty codes this has resulted in these patients specialty codes being mapped to a blank code.

Specialty Codes

SpecialtyQF text Qualifier for Specialty

Qualifier information

NumberWaiting numeric
NumberWaitingQF text
Available numeric Number of patients on the waiting list who are available for treatment on the last day of the quarter
AvailableQF text Qualifier for Available

Qualifier information

Unavailable numeric Number of patients on the waiting list who are unavailable for treatment on the last day of the quarter
UnavailableQF text Qualifier for Unavailable

Qualifier information

MedicalTotal numeric If a patient is medically unable to undergo a procedure because for example, they have another medical issue such as raised blood pressure that makes treatment inadvisable then this should be recorded as Medical Unavailability.
MedicalTotalQF text Qualifier for MedicalTotal

Qualifier information

MedicalOtherMedicalCondition numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Medical - other medical condition'
MedicalOtherMedicalConditionQF text Qualifier for MedicalOtherMedicalCondition

Qualifier information

MedicalIndefinitelyUnavailable numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Medical - indefinitely unavailable'
MedicalIndefinitelyUnavailableQF text Qualifier for MedicalIndefinitelyUnavailable

Qualifier information

MedicalOther numeric Number of patients unavailable due to other medical reasons
MedicalOtherQF text Qualifier for MedicalOther

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedTotal numeric If a patient informs the hospital that they will be unable to accept an appointment because, for example, they are on holiday for a fortnight or they have a work commitment, then this may be recorded as Patient Advised Unavailability.
PatientAdvisedTotalQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedTotal

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedHoliday numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient advised - on holiday'
PatientAdvisedHolidayQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedHoliday

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedPersonalCommitment numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - personal commitment'
PatientAdvisedPersonalCommitmentQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedPersonalCommitment

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedWorkCommitment numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - work commitment'
PatientAdvisedWorkCommitmentQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedWorkCommitment

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedCarerCommitment numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - carer commitment'
PatientAdvisedCarerCommitmentQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedCarerCommitment

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedAcademicCommitment numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - academic commitment'
PatientAdvisedAcademicCommitmentQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedAcademicCommitment

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedJuryDuty numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - jury duty'
PatientAdvisedJuryDutyQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedJuryDuty

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedWeather numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - following severe weather cancellation of Visiting Consultant Service, wishes to be treated within local Health Board'
PatientAdvisedWeatherQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedWeather

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedIndefinitelyUnavailable numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Advised - indefinitely unavailable'
PatientAdvisedIndefinitelyUnavailableQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedIndefinitelyUnavailable

Qualifier information

PatientAdvisedOther numeric Number of patients unavailable due to other patient advised reasons
PatientAdvisedOtherQF text Qualifier for PatientAdvisedOther

Qualifier information

PatientRequestedTotal numeric Patients who request a specific consultant or a specific location will have a period of Patient Requested unavailability applied – this is to reflect the legislation which came into effect on 01 April 2014. For trend purposes, the associated codes have been split from the Patient Advised grouping prior to the change in legislation.
PatientRequestedTotalQF text Qualifier for PatientRequestedTotal

Qualifier information

PatientRequestedNamedConsultant numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Requested - wishes named Consultant'
PatientRequestedNamedConsultantQF text Qualifier for PatientRequestedNamedConsultant

Qualifier information

PatientRequestedTreatedLocalHealthBoard numeric Number of patients unavailable due to 'Patient Requested - wishes to be treated within local Health Board'
PatientRequestedTreatedLocalHealthBoardQF text Qualifier for PatientRequestedTreatedLocalHealthBoard

Qualifier information

SuspensionExceptionalCircumstances numeric During circumstances of exceptional strain on the NHS such as a major disaster, major epidemic or outbreak of infection, or service disruption caused by industrial action, unavailability may be applied. This is recorded as suspension due to exceptional circumstances, and must only be applied following agreement with the Scottish Government Health Department. This type of unavailability must only be applied for an agreed, limited, period of time.
SuspensionExceptionalCircumstancesQF text Qualifier for SuspensionExceptionalCircumstances

Qualifier information

PFBUnavailability numeric Patient Focused Booking (PFB) is a system where patients are asked to contact the hospital to arrange a convenient time for their appointment. PFB unavailability is applied when no response has been recevied from the patient for a PFB offer of appointment.
PFBUnavailabilityQF text Qualifier for PFBUnavailability

Qualifier information

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